709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Community Government
Makkovik was incorporated under the community councils Act on March 26, 1970, with the late William A. Andersen as its first Mayor and Ted Andersen as Deputy Mayor.

The Municipal Planning Area encompasses aproximately 1600 hectares (3,950 acres).

Under the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Act the Makkovik Inuit Community Government took office on October 24, 2006
MICG Logo (larger version)
Makkovik Inuit Community Government Council

In September 2018, the Makkovik Inuit Community Government held the Election for position of AngajukKak.

Mr.Barry Andersen was the successful Candidate for AngajukKak for a four year term.


In October 2018, the Call for Nominations for Six Voters A Seats, representing Inuit, Residents and their Descendents and One Voter's B Seat, representing New Residents, took place. As a result of the number of nominations received, all candidates were declared elected by Acclamation. Councillor seats are for a four year term.

The MICG Councillors are:

Bernie Andersen, Deputy AngajukKak- Voters A Seat
Tony Andersen, Councillor- Voters A Seat
Elizabeth Evans Mitchell, Councillor, Voters A Seat
Caroline Rideout- Voters A Seat

Dion Rideout, Councillor, Voters B Seat

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