Location & Population
With a population of approximately 360 people, the Inuit Community of Makkovik is located 55 degrees 07'N 59 degrees 03'W, approximately 210 kilometres by air northeast of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador.
Makkovik is located into the interior from Cape Makkovik. To the north of Makkovik is the Community of Postville; about 25 - 30 km into the interior of Kaipokok Bay. To the south is Rigolet, about 100 direct kilometers overland.
Makkovik is located into the interior from Cape Makkovik. To the north of Makkovik is the Community of Postville; about 25 - 30 km into the interior of Kaipokok Bay. To the south is Rigolet, about 100 direct kilometers overland.

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Origin of the name Makkovik
"Vik" is an Inuktitut word meaning "place". "Makko" may be a corruption of the Inuktitut word for "two", "maggok". Around Makkovik, there are two main inlets, Makkovik Harbour and Makkovik Bay. As well, there are two main brooks flowing into the two inlets.

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The landscape is characterized by rising terrain from Makkovik harbour to a ridge between elevation 20 metres and 30 metres above sea level. In the southern part of the community, bedrock is at or near the surface with numerous rock outcrops, boggy areas, and sparse scrub. Rock outcrops have made the provision of services expensive and subsequently development is limited.
The community's central area, with more soil and flatter terrain, is better suited to habitation than are the extremities. It contains the core of the residential and service buildings from the shoreline well back to the side of the ridge. The northern part of the community is composed of housing built in a single row along the shoreline. Behind this area is the Moravian Woods, an undeveloped coniferous stand that has been maintained as a valued natural heritage feature of the community.
The community's central area, with more soil and flatter terrain, is better suited to habitation than are the extremities. It contains the core of the residential and service buildings from the shoreline well back to the side of the ridge. The northern part of the community is composed of housing built in a single row along the shoreline. Behind this area is the Moravian Woods, an undeveloped coniferous stand that has been maintained as a valued natural heritage feature of the community.

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Transportation and Communication
Snowmobiles are an important means of travel during the long winter since snow covers the ground from December until the end of May. Roads in town are not cleared and Council maintains 80 kilometres of trail to Burnt Lake and shares maintenance of the Burnt Lake to Mulligan portion with Postville, which is the main vehicular connection with Goose Bay in winter.
The Makkovik airstrip has scheduled service from Air Borealis, the only airline that flies the north coast of Labrador. The average cost of a return trip from Makkovik to Goose Bay is $760.00.
During the summer months, the community is serviced by the Marine Vessel the Kamutik.W. which is a drive on and passenger vessel.
Makkovik is also host to the only available marine centre on the North Coast operated by Torngat Fish Producers.
Communication needs are serviced by:
- CIML Radio, run by the OK Society and owned by the CBC (Inuktitut and English),
- Satellite television service from Personna Communications, including programs produced by the Okalakatigat Society on the APTN network,
- Regional newspapers from Goose Bay in addition to a quarterly magazine produced by the Okalakatigat Society in Nain, and
- Telephone and high speed internet service from Bell Aliant Telephone.
The Makkovik airstrip has scheduled service from Air Borealis, the only airline that flies the north coast of Labrador. The average cost of a return trip from Makkovik to Goose Bay is $760.00.
During the summer months, the community is serviced by the Marine Vessel the Kamutik.W. which is a drive on and passenger vessel.
Makkovik is also host to the only available marine centre on the North Coast operated by Torngat Fish Producers.
Communication needs are serviced by:
- CIML Radio, run by the OK Society and owned by the CBC (Inuktitut and English),
- Satellite television service from Personna Communications, including programs produced by the Okalakatigat Society on the APTN network,
- Regional newspapers from Goose Bay in addition to a quarterly magazine produced by the Okalakatigat Society in Nain, and
- Telephone and high speed internet service from Bell Aliant Telephone.