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The late Billy "Quak" Andersen (larger version)
Final Billy "Quak" Memorial Tournament
My brother Billy (Quak) Andersen got a game of ball hockey going at the
old rink. It was Married People's Day, 1992. Teams were married against
singles. The money from registration went to the our church for the new
building fund. That same year Billy got cancer and passed away.
Recreation took the tournament and ran it each year with the money from
registration going to the church. Over the years the Billy Quak
tournament took in $9155 for the Moravian Church. 2019 saw the last
Billy Quak ball hockey tournament being played. The Billy Quak
tournament started off on ice and moved to the gym when we lost our old
rink due to structural problems. We then played one game on ice when we
got out new arena. We moved it back to the gym so that teams from out
of town could come and play without having to use skates and hockey
equipment. We thank everyone who played in our tournament over the
years, especially teams from Postville, Rigolet, Hopedale, and Nain. It
was a great fun tournament with lots of good competition and

~ John Andersen, Director of Recreation and Community Events

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