709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Guided Tours
Walk the Poet's Path
The Moravian Woods is a protected area in Town. There is a walking trail that runs through it, from the museum to the subdivision behind the school. The trail has been in existence since the early days of settlement. In the 1980's two ladies who came to Makkovik to start a Pentecostal Church, Shirley Flewitt and Joan Cartledge, had the idea of putting poetry there. Enjoy the peace and quiet of nature as you read the poetry written on plaques attached to trees along the way. Feast your eyes on the variety of plants, trees, and flowers found there.
Historic Site
In nearby Ford's Bight you find the remains of the first Moravian Mission house built in Labrador in 1752. This is where John Christian Erhardt and four other missionaries made an unsuccessful attempt to establish a mission. To hire a speed boat for a ride to Ford's Bight, check at the Town Office for a number to call. It's about twenty minutes away by boat. Only the foundation of the house remains, but you get a sense of history standing at the spot. Historical panels at the White Elephant Museum interpret the event.
White Elephant Museum and Moravian Church
Tours are given upon request. A tour guide will provide information about the museum and its artifacts, and take you for a visit to the Moravian Church next door.
Makkovik Board Walk
There is also board walks located around Makkovik, the longest one is located on the top of the hill overlooking the town. It also has a few rest stops so you can stop to have a break or have a picnic while admiring our beautiful town and harbour. One end of the board walk is located across from Ellens Barren park (Airport road) and another end is located on the hebron end of town (Dump road). There is also a short board walk/stairs that is located just past our arena going towards Ranger Bight and walks up over the hill and comes to Ellens Barren Park.

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