Community Events

Photo Courtesy of Robert Andersen. Makkovik, Canada Day Fireworks 2018. 2018 Annual Trout Festival from Tuesday, August 07th to Saturday, August 11th, 2018. Tuesday night, the Trout Festival starts off with a big bang- fire works at dusk. The above picture captures the beauty of fireworks at dusk near the salt water of Makkovik Harbour! Enjoy the rest of the fun-filled week for activitie and events for all ages to enjoy. The Trout Festival ends with a delicious meal of traditional foods plus a Community Dance to follow at the School Gym! Come and enjoy this wonderful event in Makkovik and you wont be disappointed.
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A new year has started and we are once again looking forward to a busy and exciting one! In the past three years, COVID-19, like many town and communities, has impacted our little community, with most of our annual events being cancelled . The coming together and celebratory times were certainly missed by everyone. Please keep checking back to our website for updates!
Canada Day 2023
Makkovik will be having our annual Canada Day Festivities on Saturday, June 1st! There will be food, games and fun for all ages. See poster below for more information.
Makkovik Trout Festival 2023
Our annual Makkovik Trout Festival is taking place this August, the 5th to the 12th, a week worth of fun, games, good food and sun. This year the festival is starting off with the 1st annual Clemence Jararuse memorial Texas hold'em Poker tournament being held at our community hall. The festival ends with our trout festival supper where you can have trout prepared many different ways (There are other options like ham and turkey to go with your sides if you don't like fish). A BYOB to follow at our local gymnasium is sure to have your feet moving. The theme for the dance changes every year, from 70's to caveman themed, its all for fun and we usually have live bands performing!