709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Job Opportunity
Posted 25 June 2018, 3:38 pm NDT

The Makkovik Inuit Community Government was successful in receiving funding from Inuit Pathways 2018 Summer Student Program to hire one worker. The position is:


To be eligible for this work term:

▪ You must be 15 years and over and returning to studies in the fall ( no end age limit).

▪ Must have been a full time student in the previous academic year, and intending to return to full time studies in the next academic year. For Post Secondary Students, please submit a copy of your acceptance from your education institution and a copy of your funding approval.

▪ An RCMP Code of Conduct will be required. It doesn't have to be submitted with your resume If in the process of acquiring one, this is acceptable. Please note this in Letter of Application

Terms of Employment: 7 week work term @ $ 12.48 per hour for 35 hours per week from July 05 to August 23rd, 2018. Daily Work schedule to be determined.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: FRIDAY, JUNE 29TH, 2018 at 4:00 pm.

Please forward Letter of Application with Resume to:

Makkovik ICG
RE: Summer Student Position- File# IP- SS18
By Mail: P.O. Box 132, Makkovik, A0P 1J0
By Email to: info@makkovik.ca
Or by Fax: 709-923-2126 Posted- June 25th, 2018

List of Duties

▪ Opening the arena canteen on a regular basis based on the hours determined by the MICG Recreation Dept.

▪ The Canteen Worker will be responsible for preparing and serving deep fried foods as per menu, preparing Healthy foods as determined by MICG Recreation Department,

▪ Operating cash register and pay pad device. Completing daily cash count, as per the required documents, submitting the cash count on a regular basis to the MICG Town Office

▪ Informing the Town Office if the canteen is low on certain items, re-stocking the shelves, cleaning and sanitizing the Arena Canteen.

▪ Advertising the Canteen hours of operations, specials, etc on a regular basis through social media including posters, facebook, CIML Radio Station etc.

▪ Assisting the Arena Volunteer Committee(AVC) with any fund raising events taking place during your seven weeks of employment, as per direction from AVC.

** Training will be available to the successful applicant

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