709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Imposition of Municipal Taxes for 2019
Posted 02 November 2018, 1:32 pm NDT
New Makkovik Inuit Community Government (MICG)Tax Rates 2019

Under the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Act (LILCA) and Municipalities Act 1999, the MICG, by Law, has to operate on a balanced budget.

In the last fifteen (15) years there has been replacement of older infrastructure such as the new Craft Center, Fire Hall and Youth Center.

Completely new infrastructure has been built and operated such as the Advanced Water Treatment Plant, heated fire hydrant buildings, new sub-divisions, Makkovik Arena, upgrades to the water and sewer system/lift stations and new heavy Equipment.

Over this time ,inflation on utility bills, fuel costs, regular general maintenance/repair on buildings, building Insurance, and wages have also gradually increased.

After thoroughly reviewing the operating budget, MICG, since the LILCA was signed and three year's prior has not had an increase in any of its mil rates to reflect these rising costs. MICG has also made cuts to its spending to bring costs down where ever possible.

The MICG has decided to increase the mil rates for Property and Business Tax by 0.001mils and to increase the Water and Sewer Tax by $ 20.00( $ 10.00 per year for water and $ 10.00 per year for sewer) to offset these rising costs. This decision was not taken lightly. MICG has to show it is responsible to the multiple levels of Government it receives funding from.

In accordance with Chapter 17, Section 17.38.3 of the Land Inuit Land Claims Agreement(LILCA) and Municipalities Act( 1999), as per the Act Respecting the Taxation of Utilities and Cable Television Companies, the Makkovik Inuit Community Government has imposed the following taxes and fees for the upcoming 2019 Taxation year

Water and Sewer Tax- At a rate of $ 200.00 annually which includes $ 100.00 for water services and $ 100.00 for sewer services on all residences, commercial establishments, public buildings, etc that is connected to the Towns water and sewer system.

Property Tax- At a rate of .009 mils for all residences, commercial establishments and public buildings within Makkovik. Minimum Property Tax Annual rate of $ 150.00 for Vacant Lots with or without structures(structures to include including storage sheds, vacant buildings or building foundations)

Business Tax-At a rate of .008 mils for business establishments operating within Makkovik.

Business Tax for Fishplants- At a rate of 0.0273 for fishplant operating within Makkovik

Utility Tax- At a rate of 2.5% of 2018 gross revenue derived within Makkovik on all utilities and cable television companies who include NL Hydro, Bell Aliant, Bell Mobility.

Tax Discount- Tax discount of 5% available for those residents, establishments, etc being charged for water and sewer services , property tax and business tax if the account is fully paid by March 31, 2019.

Senior's Tax Discount- Senior's residents, who include any resident over the age of 65 years, will receive an additional 10% tax discount for Property Taxes.

Interest Charges- There will be a 5% monthly interest charged on tax accounts after June 30th, of the current taxation year on any amount still owing.

Dump User Fees – At an annual rate of $420.00 annually for local organizations and $ 1,000.00 for out of town contractors( noting that the outside contractor amount is subject to change due the ongoing implementation of MICG Tipping Fees).

Metered Water- At a rate of $ 15.00 per ton any Marine Vessels, as well as an additional $15.00 per hour for each employee distributing the metered water to vessel. At a rate of $ 1.33 per ton for any business operating within Makkovik.
Due Dates
Water and Sewer Taxes are due on a quarterly basis @ $ 45.00 per quarter. Property, Business and Utility Taxes are due no later than July 31, 2019 Payment methods accepted for Municipal Taxes are: cash, cheques, money orders, debit, credit cards( mastercard, visa) and e-mail transfer( send emt payment to info@makkovik.ca)

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