709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Job Opportunity
Posted 09 November 2018, 5:13 pm NST
Recreation Worker

Makkovik Inuit Community Government has been successful in receiving funding through the Inuit Pathways Work Experience Program ( WEP) to hire a Recreation Worker for a 16 week period. This position is open to beneficiaries of Nunatsiavut Government. If a resident has already participated in WEP under Recreation Worker profile, he/she is not eligible for the program.

Please note that to be considered for this position, you must have/ be able to attain a valid( up to date RCMP Code of Conduct.

List of Duties( but not limited to):

Recreation Programming- Under the direction of the Recreation Staff, the Recreation Worker will assist with running the daily Recreation Programming at the Youth Centre, Gymnasium and Arena.

Fundraising- This individual will work closely with the recreation staff and the recreation and arena committee to come up with fundraising ideas and put them into action.

Community Events- Provide assistance with annual community events such as the Billy Quak Tournament, Easter, Canada Day etc. The workers will also be available to other organizations, such as Department of Health and Social Development, Moravian Church, who may need help with their community events.

Other duties will include assisting with radio bingo, selling tickets on items, Chase the Ace etc., as directed by Recreation staff.

Rate of Pay: $ 12.00 per hour plus 4% Vacation Pay( $ 12.48 per hour)

Hours of work: This position is a 35 hour work week. Time off will be granted for any overtime worked above the 35 hours. The actual time of work will be scheduled around the daily Recreation Programming which will be determined by the Recreation Staff. Successful Candidate will be required to work evenings and on weekends.

Please submit your letter of application with resume attached( include TWO references) to:

Makkovik Inuit Community Government ( by Mail)
Job Title and Job Ad #: Recreation Worker: JOBAD REC18-001
P.O. Box 132, 16 Andersen Street
Makkovik NL, AOP 1J0

Or send by fax to 709-923-2126/ or by email to townmclerk @makkovik.ca or info@makkovik.ca


If the successful candidate are in arrears with MICG, installments for the outstanding amount will be deducted from weekly paycheques until fully paid

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