709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Public Notice: Re Road clearing
Posted 24 May 2019, 4:16 pm NDT
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government would like to advise the public that town workers will start plowing the roads on Tuesday May 28th, 2019 starting with the road from Makkovik Clinic to Airport. Once this road is fully cleared, our work crew will continue with plowing the remaining roads. For safe access and maneuvering of our Heavy Equipment, some driveways or other areas of Town may need to be plowed during the snow clearing process. Workers will make efforts to complete driveways while they are in your area, however we kindly ask for your patience if it is not completed right away

Parents/Guardians, for safety concerns, please advise your children to stay clear of the Heavy Equipment. Residents are also reminded to ensure that personal belongings are moved onto your property.

Thank you,

Makkovik Inuit Community Government Municipal Work Crew

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