709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Update on Road Clearing- Thursday, May 30th, 2019
Posted 31 May 2019, 11:05 am NDT
Town Work crew started plowing the roads on Tuesday and are hoping to have all roads completed by Friday, May 31st, 2019. Due to the amount of snow on some roads, it has been a slow process. With the assistance of Robert Gear, Dept of Transportation, they are able to get it done faster. Thank you Robert!

Some driveways have been completed while in the area (or for safe manovering of Heavy Equipment- turn-arounds). There is still a list of residences to be complete. We appreciate your cooperation and patience for those who have not gotten them done yet.

Work crew is in the process of plowing Lauras Lane this afternoon and will continue on with the remaining roads. Please be reminded that any items are to be moved onto private property.

~Thank you once again for your patience and understanding during this transition. Drive Safe and be cautious of the Heavy Equipment.

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