709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Makkovik Friends of the Beach Clean Up
Posted 26 June 2012, 3:49 pm NDT
Makkovik Friends of the Beach Clean Up 2012 (larger version)
On Monday, June 25, 2012, members of the Makkovik Friends of the Beach Chapter and Junior Rangers gathered together at the Town Office with Barry Andersen, Kim Andersen, RCMP, and AngajukKak Herb Jacque to begin it annual Beach Clean Up.

Altogether they collected 720 pounds of debris on the beach for a total of 37 bags. Local Friends of the Beach Chapter is coordinated by Barry Andersen who says a total of 13 Junior Rangers and 9 volunteers took part.

MI Ocean Net's Friends of Beaches (FOB) Network, engages youth and community volunteers in educational discussions, special events, and remediation activities. This project engages a province-wide network of volunteers and supports the sustainability of the sensitive marine ecosystems which provide the resources our coastal communities depend on.

If you have a beach that needs some care or are thinking of starting a Friends of Beaches Chapter in your area, please contact the number below:

MI Ocean Net
School of Fisheries - Marine Institute of Memorial University
155 Ridge Road
P.O. Box 4920
St. John's, NL
A1C 5R3

Office: C1214-C
Telephone: 709.778.0328
Fax: 709.778.0535
Email: mioceannet@mi.mun.ca

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