709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Drivers Examiner Visit scheduled for July 31 and August 01, 2019
Posted 18 July 2019, 11:04 am NDT
Public Notice

July 18th, 2019

The Driver`s Examiners will be arriving in Makkovik on the afternoon of July 31, 2019 and will be completing written and road tests into the evening, as well as Govt Photo Identification Cards. They will also be available on August 01, 2019 for a portion of the day.

Place: Makkovik Fire Hall

MICG is not responsible for the payment process however you may contact our Community Economic Development ( CEDO) to print off your payment receipts or fax your credit authorization.

According to the Services NL website you can pay for road test in one or two ways:

1) Payment can be made on-line at: https://onlinepayments;go.nl.ca/RoadTests/login.jsp. Once paid on-line, print off a copy of the receipt and present it to the drivers examiner.

2) Pay by credit card.
A credit card authorization form( available at MICG Town Office) can be completed and faxed to the Motor Vehicle Registration Office at (709) 292-4387. The copy of the road test receipt( once payment is approved on your credit card) can be emailed back to the CEDO and she will print it for you.

Cost of Road Tests are:

- $ 78.00 for non-commercial
- $ 130.00 for commercial

In order to complete any of these tests or have photo ids completed, you will be required to show two primary IDS or one primary and one secondary ID.

Please contact Lisa Newman, Deputy Register, Services NL by telephone 1-877-636-6867 or by email lisanewman@gov.nl.ca if you have further questions. You may also visit their website at https://www.servicenl.gov.nl.ca/department/branches/divisions/mr.html

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