709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Reminder from Makkovik Inuit Community Government
Posted 30 July 2019, 1:36 pm NDT
For balances on account owing for the 2019 Taxation year, a 5% monthly interest will be issued at the end of this month, and thereafter.
Example: If you owe $ 200.00 for water and Sewer and $ 200.00 in Property Tax=$ 400.00 x 5% =$ 20.00, $ 20.00 will be added at month end=new balance of $ 420.00 owing.

This interest for the Month of July will be added to accounts on August 01, 2019.

To avoid this monthly interest, please make payments to your account. Payment methods we accept are:

Cash, Debit, EMT, Money Order, Cheque( post dated - accepted up to an advance date to end of September 2019, Credit Cards( Visa or Master Card)and EMT payment can be sent to info@makkovik.ca

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