709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
***POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER 18TH*** Agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of MICG
Posted 11 September 2019, 9:36 am NDT
Regular Meeting of September 11th, 2019
Wednesday, 7:00 pm, Town Council Chambers
1) Call to Order

2) Minutes

3) Report from:
a) Director of Recreation and Community Events
b) Acting Chief Administrative Officer
c) Superintendent of Public Works and Services
d) AngajukKak's report
e) Community Economic Development Officer

4) Mid Season review of 2019 Work Priority Plan

5) Capitol Investment Priorities for 2020 NG CPW Funding

6) Bell Aliant Fibre Optics proposal

7) Materials for Tender( TABLED FROM FALL OF 2018)

8) Review of Development Regulations

9) Purchase of promotional items

10) Capitol Work Updates
a) New sewer Jet
b) Proposed Subdivision
c) WS Assessment
d) AWTC Generator Install
e) Spillway
f) Youth Center Parking Lot

11) Correspondence
a) Concern on Vehicle Registration and Insurance
b) Waterworks Limited- Disposal of Debris from Dock
c) PMA Convention
d) MNL Convention

12) Permit Applications (PA19-13 to PA19-18)

13) Bill for Payment

14) Other Business

15) Next Meeting and Adjournment

****Please note the following:****

Regular Council Meeting which are scheduled on a bi-monthly basis are open to the public.

If a member(s) of public have an issue they would like to address, he or she must notify the Town Office by 3:00 pm pre-ceding the day of scheduled meeting( in this case by 12 noon of the day of meeting- September 11, 2019 ) to be slotted into the Agenda. There is a 15 minutes timeframe for any person who would like to address the council. If there are more than one person, the group must appoint a delegate to speak on the groups behalf.

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