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Are you Interested in Electronic Systems Engineering Technology???
Posted 13 September 2019, 4:40 pm NDT
The College of the North Atlantic may be of some assistance...see the attached poster

CNA Poster ReElectronic Systems Engineering Technology (CO-OP)

Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (Co-op)
• School of Engineering Technology
• Program Length: Two Years

Description of the program:

The Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (Co-op) program focuses on planning, designing, commissioning, servicing, troubleshooting, and decommissioning electronic systems. This general program enables graduates the opportunity to seek careers in a wide variety of technology areas, including electronic communications systems, computer network systems, industrial control systems, surveillance and navigation systems.

The program is designed to provide graduates with the skills and knowledge required to implement and work with modern communication systems using digital and fiber optics principles, embedded microcontrollers, applications including robotic controls, artificial intelligence, wireless control and industrial instrumentation & controls. Thanks to the widespread proliferation of sophisticated systems around the world, the demand for well-qualified electronics technologists is, and will be, high for years to come.

Graduates of this program, upon its accreditation, automatically satisfy the academic requirement for membership in the Association of Engineering Technicians and Technologists of Newfoundland and Labrador (AETTNL), and qualify for certification with the appropriate work experience and references. Students enrolled in this program are eligible for full student membership after the first year. Certification credentials are transferrable across provincial associations.

Upon completion of this program graduates may choose to further their education by completing a bachelor degree in technology or engineering at one of several institutions that have articulation agreements with College of the North Atlantic.

As an Electronic Systems Engineering Technologist, the graduate will have the knowledge and skill that will allow him/her to:

1. Demonstrate a high level of skill in the application of electronics principles.
2. Produce electrical and electronics drawings, layouts and reports.
3. Apply the skills and techniques to troubleshoot logic and digital circuits, and embedded microprocessor-based and microcontroller-based systems, including assembly and high-level language programs.
4. Design, assemble, maintain, and troubleshoot analog and digital communication systems.
5. Install, analyze and maintain industrial instrumentation and process control equipment.
6. Apply appropriate troubleshooting techniques to electronic circuits or systems, and generate and perform test procedures.
7. Determine, select, recommend and justify the purchase of electronic equipment, components and systems.
8. Modify, maintain, repair and recommend electronic equipment and systems.
9. Design, build, test and troubleshoot electronic circuits, equipment, systems and subsystems.
10. Analyze and troubleshoot computer networks.
11. Apply current industry practices of project management and business principles.

General education consisting of Project Management Skills (theoretical and applied), Communication Skills (oral and written), Mathematics, Physics, Electrical and Magnetic Theory, Engineering Graphics, Engineering Technology Awareness.

Specific education in various aspects (theory and principles) of the Electronic Systems Engineering Technology profession including the theory and application of analog and digital electronics with specialized emphasis on Analog and Digital Communication Systems, Computer Programming, Microprocessor Interfacing Systems, Industrial Process Control Systems, and Networking.

Practical education employing labs and shops focused on installation, configuration, operation and maintenance training associated with digital communications, wireless communications systems, microcontrollers, computer networks, cabling systems, and industrial process control systems.

Job prospects for the electronics industry are expected to be strong in the foreseeable future. The Electronics Systems Engineering Technology program is designed to produce a well-rounded graduate who will be capable of working in a variety of electronic related fields. Graduates of the program will find rewarding employment in both the service and support side of the electronics industry as well as the consumer side. They will obtain employment in the areas of telecommunications, manufacturing sales, service, and support, computer sales, service and support, provincial and federal agencies, consulting firms, business equipment sales and service, industrial sales and service, aircraft surveillance and navigation, R&D and utility companies.

Graduates with two years of progressive work experience may be eligible to receive the designation of Professional Technologist (P. Tech) upon completion of a Professional Practice and Ethics Exam.

Note: Students will be required to complete one-day non-credit educational seminars throughout the program in: Program Solving and Decision Making, Environmental Citizenship and Ethics, and Technology Awareness.

Eligibility for admission to Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (Co-op) program requires the applicant to meet one of the following four academic criteria:

1. High School
High School Graduation Certificate with a 60% overall average in the following (or equivalent):
i. English (2 credits) (minimum 60%) from: 3201
ii. Mathematics (4 credits) chosen from:
Advanced: 2200, 3200 (50% minimum in each course)
Academic: 2201 (70% minimum), 3201 (70% minimum)
iii. Science (4 credits) two of which must be selected from:
Biology: 3201
Physics: 3204
Chemistry: 3202
Earth Systems: 3209
Note: The remaining two Science credits to be chosen from the highest Science mark in level 1, 2 or 3.

2. Comprehensive Arts and Science (CAS) Transition
Comprehensive Arts and Science (Transition) Certificate with the following courses:
i. Math (70% minimum) MA1040
, MA1041

ii. Two Science courses chosen from one of the following three combinations:
a. Introductory Biology: BL1020
, BL1021
b. Introductory Chemistry: CH1030
, CH1031
c. Introductory Physics: PH1050
, PH1051
Note: It is strongly recommended that CAS learners who intend to enroll in Engineering Technology programs complete both of the Chemistry courses and both of the Physics courses.
3. Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Adult Basic Education (Level III) Graduation with Degree and Technical Profile including the following courses (or equivalent):
i. English (60% minimum) 3101A, 3101B, 3101C or 3102A, 3102B, 3102C
ii. Mathematics (70% minimum) 1101A, 1101B, 1101C, 2101A, 2101B, 2101C, 3101A, 3101B, 3101C
iii. Science from one of the following sections:
a. Biology 1101, 2101A, 2101B, 2101C, 3101A, 3101B, 3101C
b. Chemistry 1102, 2102A, 2102B, 2102C, 3102A, 3102B, 3102C
c. Physics 1104, 2104A, 2104B, 2104C, 3104A, 3104B, 3104C
Applicants with Adult Basic Education (Level III) Graduation with a different Profile may be eligible for admission to the program provided the appropriate selection of courses including those outlined above have been completed.

4. Mature Student Requirements
Applicants who do not meet the education prerequisites for this program, are 19 years at the time of application and out of school for at least one year may be considered on an individual basis under the Mature Student Requirements; for more information regarding the Mature Student Requirements please refer to Procedure AC-102-PR Admission.

Course Mapping
Goose Bay Delivery
Program preparation
Semester – I

Summer Break for Students
Semester- II AF2360
Semester- III Work term/Network
Corner Brook Delivery
Semester -IV EG2120
Semester- V MA1530
Semester- VI AE3301

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