709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 17 December 2019, 11:32 am NST
Groomer Operator (Internal/External)

This is a unionized seasonal position that reports directly to the Chief Administrative Officer of the Makkovik Inuit Community Government


The Groomer Operator must hold a driver's license with class 5 endorsement and experience in the operation and light maintenance of track vehicles and other equipment. Familiarity with the trail system and, in particular, the trail way between Makkovik and Mulligan is required. WHIMS certification (or a willingness to participate in WHIMS training) is an absolute requirement, and employees must be capable of being insured (and maintaining coverage) under the town's vehicle and heavy equipment insurance, as well as the town's liability insurance coverage.


Additional knowledge, endorsements, and skills in the operation of GPS and other electronic equipment and telecommunications devices is an asset.

Primary Areas of Responsibility:

The Groomer Operator assumes responsibility for the grooming and maintenance of the approximately 146 km trail way system between Makkovik to Burnt Lake, and for posting and maintenance of signage along the trail way system within these two points, and for the light maintenance and repair of the groomer as required. There are other responsibilities relating to safety precautions, issuing of warnings and dangers, placement of markers, and other responsibilities relating to the maintenance of the trail way under his/her jurisdiction and control.

Scope of Work:

1. Grooming of Trail
2. Signage and Safety Precautions
3. Repair and Maintenance of Equipment
4. Trail Marking
5. Checking Chalet(s)

Hourly Base Rate of $ 16.67 per hour. 4% Vacation Pay and Northern Allowance of $ 3.41 per hour=$ 20.75 per hour.

Tentative Start Date:
The tentative start date is January 13th, 2020. The first scope of work will be laying of trail markers. The Grooming of Trails will commence once the ice and snow conditions are favourable, as per the Guidelines outlined in the Groomer Operator's Manual, Labrador Grooming Subsidy.

Resume and cover letter should be forwarded to:

Makkovik Inuit Community Government
P.O. Box 132
Makkovik, NL A0P 1J0
A0P 1J0

Fax (709) 923-2126 / info@makkovik.ca


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