709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Update on Trails from Russell McNeil
Posted 07 February 2020, 2:06 pm NST
Throw Back to 2003 Photo of Tucker Snowcat on the Labrador Winter Trails....MICG file Photo Submitted by Jodie Lane (larger version)
Good Morning :

Trail section Mudlake / Churchill River crossing marked and groomed.

Trail section HVGB – NWR is marked and groomed by GRSC.

Trail section NWR –Separation Lake is groomed and marked to Mulligan. No grooming or marking north of Mulligan but condition is fairly good. NWR is planning to send groomer North of Mulligan Monday.

Trail section Separation Lake to Makkovik and Postville is marked and is ongoing. No grooming due to lack of snow.

Postville to Little Neck and Iggiak on Kaipopkok Bay towards

Hopedale and Makkovik marking is ongoing.

Trail section Iggiak to Hopedale not marked due to late freeze up.

Trail section Hopedale to Natuashish marking is ongoing roughly ¾ done.

Trail section Natuashish to Nain marking is ongoing. Late start due poor ice conditions.

Trail section Mulligan to Rigolet is groomed out of Rigolet to Valleys Bight. Marking is ongoing.

Trail Section Norman Bay to Charlottetown marked and groomed.

Trail section Cartwright to Reeds Pond groomed half way and remainder of trail is opened by the tractor but not groomed.

Trail section Black Tickle to Reeds Pond is marked and grooming is ongoing.

Safe Travels. Thank You.

Russell McNeil
Trail Inspector
Labrador Affairs Secretariat
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
(709) 896-1780

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