709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
PUBLIC NOTICE: COVID-19 measures to protect the office staff and public
Posted 23 March 2020, 11:17 am NDT
Please be advised that the MICG office will be closed to the public until further notice as of 23 March 2020.

There is no evidence that the virus is in our community but we have to take all precautions that the Federal and Provincial Health Departments are recommending since this past weekend such as working from home where possible.

MICG Staff are able to work from home but may need to attend the MICG Office from time to time.

If you require assistance from MICG these are the contacts:

MICG Will be keeping the CIML Radio station operational to communicate information to the public. MICG urges residents to listen to OK Radio and CIML for any dates regarding the COVID-19

Barry Andersen, 923-2301(H) barry.andersen@nunatsiavut.com

CAO Kate Mitchell, 923-2155. townmanager@makkovik.ca

Executive Clerk Doreen Winters, 923-2173. townclerk@makkovik.ca

Office Assistant Marilyn Faulkner, 923-2283. info@makkovik.ca

Thank you.

Barry Andersen
POB 132
Makkovik, NL.
A0P 1J0

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