709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Message from the AngajukKak
Posted 08 April 2020, 8:11 pm NDT
Dear Residents:

We are at a critical point in our efforts to flatten the curve on COVID-19.We are all working hard to do this in our communities. We have to take care of another, now more than ever.

The Easter long weekend is upon us. WE know that this normally means getting together with family and loved ones to celebrate and to eat together. But this year is different. It has to be. What we do this weekend will impact what happens as we move forward.

You need to stay home this weekend. You should not be gathering: you should not be socializing with others; you should not be having Easter dinners with people outside of your immediate household.

We encourage you to connect with others, but at a distance. Be sure to call you family and friends.If you need any mental health supports to get you through, please refer to the province's resource list here: http:www.gov.nl.ca/covid-19/resources-2/

I know that this hard. But we all need to stay home and stay safe for everyone.


Barry Andersen, AngajukKak

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