709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Public Notice
Posted 28 April 2020, 9:20 am NDT
The Log Splitter is available to those who would like to rent it.

Rental Rates (hst included):

Daily Rates: $57.50
Weekend Rates: $86.25
Long weekend rental rates: $115.00

Payments for the rental can only be made through emts to info@makkovik.ca and in the message please state what your payment is for.

*Please note if you rent the log splitter you are responsible for topping off the log splitter with gas.*

If you would like to rent the log splitter, please contact either of the following:

Kate Mitchell at 923-2155
Doreen Winters at 923-2173
Marilyn Faulkner at 923-2283

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