709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Looking for Employment
Posted 06 February 2013, 12:12 pm NST
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government is developing a file of applicants with skills in various fields. These may include but not limited to such positions as Carpenter, Labourer, Plumbing, Mechanical, Heavy Equipment, Welding, etc.

The purpose of developing this group of information is to actively ensure that residents of Makkovik have the greatest opportunity to gain employment with potential contractors.

Please note: this does not ensure employment. However, it will increase the opportunity to provide contractors with a list of qualified applicants located within the community.

If you would like your information entered into this database please fill out an Application for Employment and pass it into the Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office. All field must be completed or application will not be accepted.

Be sure to hand in your application as soon as possible as this year's construction season is fast approaching.

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