709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
PUBLIC NOTICE RE: Fuel Tanker Discharging Makkovik Harbor
Posted 05 June 2020, 9:46 am NDT
Please be advised that the tanker will commence discharging fuel today 05 June 2020.

The culvert below the hydro plant on Moravian Street is blocked with ice so the discharge lines will have to be on top of the ground coming ashore at the boat ramp.

The public is urged to avoid the road to the gas station until the tanker has completed its discharge. The road will be closed for safety at Torsten's Loop. (road to gas station)

The gas will have to settle for 24 hours before sale. Therefore, there will be no gas sales until Monday, June 08 2020.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you.

Barry Andersen
POB 132
Makkovik, NL.
A0P 1J0

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