709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Makkovik Inuit Community Government. COVID-19 Facility Policy.
Posted 12 August 2020, 2:51 pm NDT
Appendix (larger version)
Makkovik Inuit Community Government.
COVID-19 Facility Policy.

Title Makkovik Inuit Community Government COVID-19 Facility Policy
Department All
Responsibility Makkovik Inuit Community Government (MICG)
Implementation Date: August 11th, 2020

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The World Health Organization designated a global COVID-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020. Jurisdictions across Canada and the world implemented measures to curtail the spread of the disease. In Newfoundland and Labrador, a public health emergency under the Public Health Promotion and Promotion Act was called on March 18. Residents, workers, visitors and employers are subject to special measure orders as a result of this emergency. Under the provincial COVID-19 Alert Level System, designed to control disease transmission and maintain health system capacity, the Provincial Government is providing guidance for social and business activities to reopen safely. Municipalities are employers in communities. They are also the owners and operators of community recreational facilities such as arenas, pools, fitness centres, playgrounds and other centres/spaces. These facilities provide services to and facilitate programming for community members and organizations.

The purpose of the policy is to outline Makkovik Inuit Community Government practice and protocols for the reopening and maintenance of municipally owned recreation facilities.

Policy Statement:
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government takes COVID-19 seriously. As a council and staff, we are committed to ensuring the safety of our community and our residents. We recognize the importance of recreational facilities and services to our community.

This policy acknowledges that Makkovik Inuit Community Government is implementing COVID-19 Alert Level Guidance from the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador as much as is reasonable and practicable. The policy outlines how and under what circumstances our facilities will be open to public.

Makkovik Inuit Community Government also acknowledges that certain municipal facilities may not open if the risk of COVID-19 transmission is high and/or reasonable, practicable protective measures cannot be implemented.

For the purposes of this policy, reasonable and practicable mean what is practical and possible for a municipality to do given its size, human resource and financial capacity, as well as the number of facilities for which it is responsible to maintain at any given time.

This policy applies to the following municipally owned recreation facilities: Makkovik Arena, Makkovik arena multipurpose room, Hall of Youth (Rec center and fitness gym) and Community Hall.

Please note that the policy can be reviewed and changed at any time.

The policy covers the following Three (3) areas:
1. Decision-making;
2. Communication;
3. Monitoring and sanitization;

NOTE. WAIVERS may become a condition of entering each facility.

Municipal staff are responsible for upholding this policy. Should there be challenges with this, the policy will require review.

Guidelines and Procedures:

1. Decision-making
a. Municipal staff will review public health emergency special orders, guidance and information sheets provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador as it is made available.
b. Municipal staff will determine their human and fiscal resource capacity to adhere to guidance provided.
c. Municipal staff will consult with council to provide recommendations on how and under what circumstances facilities will be open to the public. See Appendix A for a list of facilities that are open, and details associated with their monitoring and sanitization.

2. Communication
a. Municipal staff will communicate with the public through social media, community website, CIML radio, media releases, etc. how and under what circumstances facilities will be open to the public. This includes clear information on facility sanitization, physical distancing, limits on numbers and monitoring procedures.
b. Signage outlining protocols and procedures for facilities will be posted outside, inside or on said facilities in clear view for users to see. This includes clear information on facility sanitization, physical distancing, limits on numbers and monitoring procedures.
c. Municipal staff will provide updates to the public and adjust signage should anything change with respect to the protocols and procedures for facilities.

3. Monitoring and sanitization
a. Municipal staff will take the following steps to sanitize:
Custodian will sanitize facilities during business hours before and after public use of the said facility.
b. Municipal staff will take the following steps maintain numbers of people at municipal locations.
Event organizer/MICG employee where possible will ensure proper social distancing can be met for event at hand.
c. Municipal staff will develop facility monitoring and sanitization logs, where applicable, for facilities that are open according to Appendix A.
d. These logs will be kept up to date.
e. In cases where limited or no monitoring and/or sanitization is possible, and the facility is open, municipal staff will communicate that these are use-at-own-risk facilities and will suggest that users take their own sanitization precautions.

Policy Review:
The policy is subject to change and will be reviewed as often as necessary given the evolving COVID-19 circumstances.

Appendix A:
Recreation facilities currently open at Makkovik, NL.

Facility name Monitoring and Sanitization status
Hall of Youth (Recreation Center) Dimensions of facility public area. 9 X 9 meters.
No excursion activities.*
No mingling. Remain at assigned seating. Sanitized twice daily;
Handwashing or hand-sanitizer stations available; garbage cans available;
signage posted;
Monitoring in place for numbers and distancing; Use at own risk.
Maximum number people with 2M physical distancing. 16. 4 rows of 4.
On site monitoring by MICG staff.
Recreation complex. Makkovik Arena Sanitized twice daily;
Hand washing or hand sanitizer stations available; Garbage cans available;
Signage posted, monitored twice daily. Monitoring in place for numbers and distancing.
Maximum numbers people. To be determined.
Makkovik Community Hall. Dimensions of public area. 9 X 11 Meters.
No excursion activities.*
No mingling. Remain at assigned seating. Sanitized twice daily and after each event.
Handwashing or hand-sanitizer stations available; Garbage cans available;
Signage posted;
Monitoring in place for numbers and 2M distancing;
Use at own risk.
Maximum numbers people. 24. 6 rows of 4.
Makkovik Arena Multipurpose Room second floor. 9 x 12 Meters.
No excursion activities.*
No mingling. Remain at assigned seating. Sanitized twice daily and after each event.
Hand washing or hand sanitizer stations available; Garbage cans available;
Signage posted, monitored twice daily. Monitoring in place for numbers and 2M distancing.
Maximum numbers people. 24 People. 6 rows of 4
All Facilities Masks are recommended at this time indoors. This could change with Provincial CMO Guidelines and Measures.
Hall of Youth Fitness gym Sanitized twice daily;
Client sanitize station after each use.
MICG staff sanitized after each client visit at workout room;
Handwashing or hand-sanitizer stations available; Garbage cans available;
Signage posted;
Monitoring in place for numbers and distancing; Use at own risk.
Maximum three clients of same bubble at one time.
HVAC system running 24/7.
On site monitoring by MICG staff.
*Singing, physical activities of any kind

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