709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Call for Nominations of AngajukKak- August 01, 2014
Posted 01 August 2014, 11:06 am NDT

As per the IL 2010-04 Inuit Community Government Elections Act, Nominations for AngajukKâk for the Town of Makkovik shall be received between the hours of Nine(9am) and Four(4pm) from Tuesday, August 12, 2014 to Tuesday, August 19, 2014.

Location: Town Office, 16 Andersen Street.

A Nomination:

a) Shall be in writing

b) Shall state the name and civic address

c) Shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom shall be present together with the candidate who shall also sign signifying his or her acceptance; and

d) Shall be in the required form.

Each candidate for the AngajukKâk Election shall at the time of his or her nomination, deposit with the Returning Officer a non-refundable sum of twenty-five($ 25.00).

Qualifications of Candidates for AngajukKâk as per Section 15, Pg 11 of IL2014-04 of Inuit Community Government Elections Act

1) A person is qualified to be nominated as a Candidate for AngajukKâk if he or she is:

a) Is an Inuk;
b) Is of the full age of 19 years;
c) Is an ordinarily resident in that Community since at least the day that is the sixtieth day preceding the date of the election.

Candidates disqualified for AngajukKâk as per Section 16, Pg. 12 of Inuit Community Government Elections Act

1) A person is disqualified as a Candidate at an election in a Community and shall not serve as AngajukKâk or as councillor for the Community if he or she :

a) Is an ordinary member of the Nunatsiavut Assembly;
b) Is a member of the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly or the Parliament of Canada;
c) Is a judge of any court;
d) Is an undischarged bankrupt;
e) Is a person who is declared to be of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction;
f) Within the 12 months period immediately preceding the date of the election was convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced to a custodial sentence, including house arrest, of 12 months or more;
g) Owes money to an Inuit Community Government or the Nunatsiavut Government in respect of taxes, dues or fees;
h) Holds an office under the Community Council to which a salary or remuneration payable out of the funds of the Community is attached;
i) Is employed by the Community Council;
j) Is the chief administration officer of an agency or body established by the Community Council and that agency or body has an annual operating budget that must be approved by the council; or
k) At any time within the 52 month period preceding the date of the election was dismissed from office as an AngajukKâk or a Councillor or had his or her seat as an AngajukKâk or Councillor vacated under an Inuit Law.


The AngajukKak will be a member of the Nunatsiauvut Assembly and shall receive a salary, allowances and benefits that are laid out by the Members Services Committee as per Section 82 and approved by the Assembly in terms of Section 8.8.3 of the Constitution.

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