709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 04 August 2014, 9:41 am NDT
Proxy voting is available to residents if he/she will be out of town during the advanced and general poll of the AngajuKkâk and Councillor elections.

AngajukKak Election…Advanced Poll is August 26, 2014/ General Poll is September 09, 2014.

Councillor Elections..Advanced Poll is October 08, 2014/General Poll is October 21, 2014

Proxy Applications are available at the Town Office during normal business hours from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Mondy to Friday. Once the application is approved by the Returning Officer, the proxy certificate will be issued to your designated voter and this certificate must be presented at the time of voting.

Attention Student and Workers returning to work sites.

For Students returning to school, or any residents who will be out of town to a work site during the advanced and general poll, you are advised to complete your proxy application before you leave Makkovik, along with your designated voter, as we cannot accept faxed applications.

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