709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
For Your Information-Angajukkak Salary and Benefits
Posted 04 August 2014, 4:42 pm NDT
For Your Information-AngajukKâk Elections


1) Salary for the position of AngajukKâk

The AngajukKâk is a member of the elected Nunatsiavut Assembly and receives a base salary of $ 65, 400.00 annually from the Nunatsiavut Government.

2) Benefits provided by Nunatsiavut Government to AngajukKâk.

a) Employee Group Insurance
b) Defined Contribution Pension Plan
c) Severance payment
d) Labrador Allowance
e) Travel Allowance

• This information was provided by the Nunatsiavut Registry- Hopedale- Taken from the Nunatsiavut Government Documents- "Elected Officials Salary Scale " & " Elected Officials Benefits Policy( Amended March 04, 2014)". If anyone would like to see the benefits in more detail, a copy if these documents can be viewed at the Town Office which gives a breakdown of each benefits, the amounts, conditions etc.

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