709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
2015 Municipal Taxes
Posted 30 January 2015, 12:25 pm NST
Posted January 30, 2015


A 5% discount is available to residents for the 2015 Municipal Taxes, including water and sewer and property tax if you pay in full by Tuesday, March 31, 2015.

Payment methods accepted :

Cash, Debit Card, Credit Card( Visa and Master Card), money order, cheques( including post dated cheques) and email transfers( send to info@makkovik.ca).

Overdue 2014 Municipal Taxes

For anyone in arrears of 2014 Municipal Taxes, please make arrangements to pay immediately, as these accounts are now a year overdue. Sufficient time has been given to make payment(s).As per the Town's policy, failure to pay these taxes by July 02, 2015 could result in disconnection of services to your home.

Thank you for your continued patronage.

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