709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
FINAL NOTICE: Re 2018 Municipal Taxes
Posted 02 July 2019, 11:51 am NDT
TUESDAY, JULY 02, 2019
For anyone owing 2018 Municipal Taxes, this is the final day to pay( in full). As per Council policy, failure to remit this outstanding amount will result in disconnection of water services to residence. As this invoice is over a year and six months old, there will be no exceptions.
Payment methods accepted: money order, cash, cheques( we also will accept post dated cheques dated up to August 31, 2019), debit, credit card( visa and mastercard) and emt. Emt's can be forwarded to info@makkovik. ca.
Did you know.......
Did you know that you pay $ 8.33 per month for water services and $ 8.33 per month for sewer?
The monthly hydro bill to pump water to the water tank is an estimated $ 2,500.00 per month=$ 30,000.00 per year.
Thank you for your continued patronage.
~Makkovik ICG Council

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