709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Best Wishes Johnny
Posted 22 January 2020, 11:31 am NST
John at his last Recreation Event (Ladies Hockey) in the Arena as Director of Recreation and Community Events January 21, 2020 (photo courtesy Gary Andersen) (larger version)
At the Arena last night, John Andersen dropped his last puck as our Director of Recreation and Community Events. " Johnny" as most people call him, has worked with the Town since October 31, 1992. His community spirit has shone through in whatever he took on for the Community of Makkovik!

He dedicated his time in assisting our children, youth and adults to try their best, no matter what activity he or she wanted to participate in. More importantly, he taught them to be proud of who they are, strive to do their best, not be the best , and always be respectful of others. Over the years. Johnny rallied hard for recreational infrastructure for Makkovik, including our Arena. He has seen the days of the ol' rink and played many games of broomball and hockey. In addition to that, he spent many hours coaching teams over the years. Generations of children have grown up and have participated in the recreational programming during his employment . Thank you Johnny for being a part of their lives and for your years of dedication to the Town of Makkovik. Much success in your role as Ordinary Member for Makkkovik.

We wish you and your family all the best in the next chapter in your life!

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