709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Indoor Recreation Activities during Alert Level 2:
Posted 29 June 2020, 3:53 pm NDT
The potential risk of COVID-19 spread is highest when individuals are indoors, within 2 meters of each other, for more than 15 minutes, in a small space with limited ventilation, sharing equipment or food, and/or taking deep breaths (e.g. while singing, shouting or exercising). Therefore, recreational activities occurring indoors and/or in close proximity to other people are considered higher risk, while activities in large outdoor spaces are considered to be lower risk. Ensuring physical distancing during recreational activities may also be more challenging, when activities involve young children, who may not understand the risks. Therefore, where possible, activities should be held in outdoor environments.
Indoor recreation program offerings may be offered for groups of 50 people or less, including participants, staff, volunteers and spectators, if the following steps can be followed:
• A minimum of 2 meters or 6 feet between bubbles is possible at all times.
• Recreational spaces provide access to hand washing stations or hand sanitizer stations (ideally vandalism-proof), as appropriate. (e.g. at entrances and exits, common areas, registration desks, and in washroom facilities). Hand sanitizer must be Health Canada approved (these usually contain at least 60 per cent alcohol).
• Facility ventilation systems should be both operational and appropriate for the activities. Facility owners may wish to consult with an expert in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) for assistance.
• Trash containers should be made available for discarding trash, tissues and any personal protective equipment (e.g. masks and gloves), which may otherwise become a public health hazard.
• All frequently touched surfaces, should be cleaned and disinfected twice per day (e.g. door handles, registration desk area, seating areas, railings, gates, buttons etc.). Refer to the public health fact sheet on cleaning and disinfection for public settings: gov.nl.ca/covid-19/files/factsheet-covid-19-environmental-cleaning-NL.pdf
• Staff have access to cleaning and disinfection products and the personal protective equipment needed to use these products (as directed by the cleaning product manufacturer).
• Staff, volunteers, spectators and participants are required to stay home if they are unwell or symptomatic.
• All areas, including but not limited to registration desk counters, washrooms, change rooms and common areas, should allow for physical distancing.
• Where possible, organizers or operators of programs, should create separate exit-only and entrance-only access points to the facility.
• Floor plans may need to re-arranged and public traffic flow managed to allow for physical distancing.
• In large recreation facilities, place arrows/markings to indicate one-directional traffic, where possible.
• Place markers every two meters, as visible cues to support physical distancing where required throughout the building (e.g. line for the registration desk, washrooms, equipment pick up, etc.).
• Reduce capacity on elevators to one person or multiple people that are in one household bubble.
• Consider installing physical barriers to identify 2 meter spacing between staff and public in registration or front desk areas.
• Public washrooms for recreation facilities may open; however, if they cannot be monitored and cleaned, with supplies replenished regularly, they must remain closed.
• Dressing rooms and change rooms in arenas, may not be used during Alert Level 2.
• Cleaning log sheets and an inventory of cleaning supplies; hand sanitizers, gloves and masks must be maintained and should be available for public view.
• Water fountains/stations may not be used. Participants must bring their own water bottles and individuals must not share with other participants.
• Signage about the risks of COVID-19 and proper cough etiquette and hand hygiene must be posted in any common entrance to the recreation space to increase awareness about the risks of COVID-19.
• It is recommended that participants supply their own equipment and refrain from sharing pieces of recreation equipment, unless the equipment can be cleaned/disinfected after use and proper hand hygiene protocols are in place. Water bottles or food items must not be shared.
• If recreation or sport equipment is supplied to participants, all equipment must be sanitized before and after activity. Contactless pick up and return must be available, through the use of clearly marked bins.
• Staff/volunteers and participants must be able to follow physical distancing, while retrieving and returning equipment.
• Program schedules should be staggered adequately to reduce the number of people in the facility as well as the number exiting and entering the facility at one time.
• Registration processes should be completed online or by phone whenever possible; however, if in person registration is required, physical distancing is required and pens, PIN pads and self-pay stations must be sanitized before, between and after use. Cashless payment options are preferred, but cash may be accepted, where necessary.
• Organizers of specific recreation activities or events must make a record of everyone (including all attendees, supervisors, and care/respite workers) at each activity or event. However, providing contact information is voluntary and individuals cannot be denied entry to an activity or event based on this choice. This record must be kept for 14 days to aid in contact tracing efforts, if needed.
• Spectators must maintain physical distancing of two meters between bubbles and facilities should clearly identify spectator spacing.
• Individuals are not permitted to linger in the facility after the end of their activity. Individuals should maintain physical distancing when exiting the building.
• Common area chairs and tables should be stacked, roped off or removed from the area to promote physical distancing.
• Municipalities may choose to open indoor recreation facilities for public use in compliance with public health guidance.
• All individuals (participants and staff/volunteers) should wash their hands prior to entering the building.
• Ensure staff are trained on proper hand hygiene, sanitation and food handling in order to prevent the spread of infection.
• Beverages, snacks and canteen services, should not be supplied during indoor recreation programs, except for curbside pick-up or delivery.
First Aid Response:
• First aid providers, caring for people with suspected COVID-19 should follow standard precautions. If possible, an unwell person should place a mask over their nose and mouth and limit contact with the individual by staying back at least 2 meters.
• Try to limit the number of individuals in contact with an unwell person. Those who provide direct care for someone who may have COVID-19 should wear a mask and gloves.
• Following care, first aid providers should discard the mask and gloves following usual procedures and perform proper hand hygiene protocols.
• With respect to lifesaving, it should be noted that the Heart and Stroke guidelines state that hands-only CPR can be provided, if there are concerns about COVID-19 transmission. For more information visit https://www.heartandstroke.ca/articles/modification-to-hands-only-cpr-during-the-covid-19-pandemic
Activities/Services Not Permitted:
• Large-scale community festivals and events, including come home years, Canada Day celebrations and music festivals are not permitted.
Updated on June 25, 2020

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