709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Public Advisory- Plowing of Roads
Posted 11 May 2022, 4:41 pm NDT
Posted – May 11th, 2022

Public Advisory- Plowing of Roads

MICG Public Works and Services Department would like to advise the public that the plowing of roads is scheduled to start on:

MONDAY, May 16th, 2022

As outlined in the MICG Road Clearing Policy, the road from Makkovik Clinic to Ellen's View Line is our first priority. For safe access and maneuvering of our Heavy Equipment, some driveways or areas of Town will need to be plowed during the road clearing process.

Parents/Guardians, for safety, please advise your children to stay clear of the Heavy Equipment. Residents are also reminded to ensure that personal belongings are moved onto your property. MICG kindly asks the public for your patience and understanding as the roads and driveways may take a couple of days once it is started as the Municipal Crew may also have to contend to ditches during the road clearing process , where needed.


As outlined in our existing policy, commercial and private driveways will be completed upon request. Please call our Office Assistant at 923-2221, ext. 1, if you would like to have your driveway cleared and a work order will be issued. There is a universal service fee of $ 25.00( including hst) for driveway clearing. Please note that some driveway work orders will be completed while crew is in area plowing roads, to cut down on fuel consumption however road clearing is our first priority. Designated vehicle parking areas will be completed as soon as they can however there will be a delay in areas where it is not a designated vehicle parking area. We will try our best to make sure it is a smooth transition.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Public Advisory (larger version)

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