709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Call for Nominations-MICG Councillor Elections 2014
Posted 11 September 2014, 3:19 pm NDT
Call for Nominations
As per the IL2014-04, Inuit Community Government Elections Act, the Nomination of Candidates for Election of Councillors shall be accepted between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm from

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 to Tuesday, September 30, 2014

At the Town Office, 16 Andersen Street.

There are Six(6) councillor seats ( Voter's "A" Roll) to be filled to represent those residents who are Inuit, Resident and their Descendants and One(1) councillor seat(Voter's "B" Roll) to be filled to represent those who are New Residents.

A Nomination

a) Shall be in writing
b) Shall state the name and civic address of the Candidate.
c) Shall be signed by the proposer and seconder, both of whom must be present together will the Candidate. The Candidate shall also sign the nomination form, signifying his/her acceptance. In order to be a proposer and seconder, he/she must be enrolled on the same Voter's Roll of the Candidate he/she is nominating.
d) Candidate shall pay a non-refundable fee of $ 25.00, to be paid at the time of his/her nomination.

Qualifications of Candidate

a) Is eligible to be enrolled on the Voter's "A" or Voter's " B" Roll in an election in the Town of Makkovik in which he or she is nominated to serve as a councillor.
b) Has been an ordinary resident in the Town of Makkovik since at least the day that is the sixtieth day preceding the date set for the Election.
c) Is resident who is 19 years and over.
d) Not indebted to the Makkovik Inuit Community Government or Nunatsiavut Government for any taxes, dues or fees.
e) Not otherwise disqualified to run as Candidate under the Il2010-04 Inuit Community Government Elections Act.

Terms of Office

Successful candidates will run a four year term and is entitled to a quarterly council remuneration.

Date posted : September 12, 2014

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