709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 03 June 2019, 10:52 am NDT
As per the Road Cleaning Policy, last Tuesday, our work crew, with assistance from Rober Gear, Dept of Tranpsortation started plowing the roads. The majority of the roads have been cleared of snow. There are a couple of roads that still needs some touch ups.

Driveways are completed FREE of charge and our work crew will continue on with the requests today. The Town appreciates your patience and understanding during this transition period, as we realize it can be difficult getting around the community. Our Work Crew certainly tries their best to accomodate everyone with the resources we have.
Hats off the the work crew to a job well done!
Posted 31 May 2019, 11:05 am NDT
Town Work crew started plowing the roads on Tuesday and are hoping to have all roads completed by Friday, May 31st, 2019. Due to the amount of snow on some roads, it has been a slow process. With the assistance of Robert Gear, Dept of Transportation, they are able to get it done faster. Thank you Robert!

Some driveways have been completed while in the area (or for safe manovering of Heavy Equipment- turn-arounds). There is still a list of residences to be complete. We appreciate your cooperation and patience for those who have not gotten them done yet.

Work crew is in the process of plowing Lauras Lane this afternoon and will continue on with the remaining roads. Please be reminded that any items are to be moved onto private property.

~Thank you once again for your patience and understanding during this transition. Drive Safe and be cautious of the Heavy Equipment.
Posted 31 May 2019, 11:04 am NDT
Please be reminded that , as per Town's policy last year's taxes(2018) are to be paid by July 02, 2019. Failure to submit payment in full will result in disconnection of water services. There will be no exemptions to the policy as sufficent time( One year and 5 months thus far) has been given to make installments or pay in full.

Please make payment installments ( five more weeks to pay total outstanding 2018 to avoid disconnection ) towards your 2018 Municipal Taxes.

Payment methods accepted are: Cash, Cheque( also post dated- accepted up to August 31, 2019 date, interac, credit cards(visa or mastercard) and EMT( send to info@makkovik.ca).
~Thank you
Posted 24 May 2019, 4:16 pm NDT
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government would like to advise the public that town workers will start plowing the roads on Tuesday May 28th, 2019 starting with the road from Makkovik Clinic to Airport. Once this road is fully cleared, our work crew will continue with plowing the remaining roads. For safe access and maneuvering of our Heavy Equipment, some driveways or other areas of Town may need to be plowed during the snow clearing process. Workers will make efforts to complete driveways while they are in your area, however we kindly ask for your patience if it is not completed right away

Parents/Guardians, for safety concerns, please advise your children to stay clear of the Heavy Equipment. Residents are also reminded to ensure that personal belongings are moved onto your property.

Thank you,

Makkovik Inuit Community Government Municipal Work Crew
Posted 24 May 2019, 3:03 pm NDT
The Advance Water Treatment Centre at the Fire Hall

is OPEN for regular operations

(including evenings, weekends and holidays).

Please note: if the water doesn't dispense in the evenings, on the weekends, or on a holiday the necessary work to fix this will not be completed until the next workday. Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause.
Posted 23 May 2019, 12:11 pm NDT
It is vital that the MICG have the cooperation of public to ensure that the Town Sewer System is protected, as well as your household sewer plumbing. Improper disposal of household materials and abrasive cleaning products can cause severe issues to the Town Municipal Sewage System. Improper disposal can cause over flow of our lift stations and blockages in the Town Sewer Lines.

By being proactive, it can also protect your home from possible sewer blockages and back- ups. Repairing these...
Posted 22 May 2019, 1:49 pm NDT
Makkovik Recreation, MICG has the final draft proposal for a playground for Makkovik. As part of this proposal, we requested letters of support from you. If you would still like to submit one, please do so by Friday, May 24th, 2019.as the proposal will be submitted then. The more the better!

Thanks to those who have already submitted letters of support for a play ground!
Posted 22 May 2019, 1:47 pm NDT
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government would like to welcome Lindsay Andersen as the new Community Economic Development Officer. She will be starting her position on Monday, May 27th, 2019.

Lindsay's office will be located at the Fire Hall, Ellen's View Line. Hours of work is from 10 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm, Monday to Friday.

Her contact information is :

Telephone: (709) 923-2379
Email: cedo@makkovik.ca

Welcome Lindsay. Wishing you all the best!
Posted 14 May 2019, 2:21 pm NDT
Makkovik Inuit Community Government will be CLOSED on Monday, May 20th , 2019 in observance of Victoria Day.

Makkovik Inuit Community Government
May 14, 2019
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