Posted 06 February 2013, 3:08 pm NST
Makkovik Inuit Community Government is seeking to hire a photographer to take pictures during community events through the year. These events may include but are not limited to Makkovik Easter Games, DHSD Jamboree, Fit week, Municipal Awareness Day, Makkovik Trout Festival, Canada Day, Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting Ceremony, and Candle Light Service.
Interested applicants can forward a letter to the Makkovik Inuit Community Government listing their rate per event, previous experience, and...
Interested applicants can forward a letter to the Makkovik Inuit Community Government listing their rate per event, previous experience, and...

Posted 06 February 2013, 12:12 pm NST
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government is developing a file of applicants with skills in various fields. These may include but not limited to such positions as Carpenter, Labourer, Plumbing, Mechanical, Heavy Equipment, Welding, etc.
The purpose of developing this group of information is to actively ensure that residents of Makkovik have the greatest opportunity to gain employment with potential contractors.
Please note: this does not ensure employment. However, it will increase the...
The purpose of developing this group of information is to actively ensure that residents of Makkovik have the greatest opportunity to gain employment with potential contractors.
Please note: this does not ensure employment. However, it will increase the...

Posted 01 February 2013, 2:19 pm NST
A big thank you goes out to Perry Voisey on the successful harvest of one moose (male) yesterday and the distribution of meat to households on behalf of the Makkovik Inuit Community Government. The moose was the first of two licenses issued to the Makkovik Inuit Community Government under the Nunatsiavut Government 2012-2013 Moose Management Program.
Posted 31 January 2013, 2:09 pm NST
Instructor for Craft Project
Are you seeking employment and experienced in the field of craft making. Perhaps you might be interested in instructing a craft project with the Makkovik Inuit Community Government.
Obtaining a qualified instructor is important to the operation of a successful craft project. Skills in sewing, using hide, sealskin, and fur would be an asset.
If you are interested please submit a letter of intent or contact the Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office at 923-2221 for more information.
Are you seeking employment and experienced in the field of craft making. Perhaps you might be interested in instructing a craft project with the Makkovik Inuit Community Government.
Obtaining a qualified instructor is important to the operation of a successful craft project. Skills in sewing, using hide, sealskin, and fur would be an asset.
If you are interested please submit a letter of intent or contact the Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office at 923-2221 for more information.
Posted 31 January 2013, 10:44 am NST
Local Guide and Snowmobile Rental
A group of three researchers from Memorial University and the Labrador Institute is looking to hire a local person from Makkovik to guide them up and back Makkovik Bay (Marks Bight/Kitts Pond Area) to complete environmental sampling in the area during March 9-10, 2013 (weather permitting).
The guide is needed for a period of two days and will require his/her own snowmobile(s) and will be compensated for their time, gasoline and rental of snowmobile(s).
In addition to this, the group will require to rent two other snowmobiles for two days to transport the group (either by the guide or through others).
If you are interested in providing the services of a guide or willing to rent your snowmobile please contact the Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office at 923-2221 to find out more information.
A group of three researchers from Memorial University and the Labrador Institute is looking to hire a local person from Makkovik to guide them up and back Makkovik Bay (Marks Bight/Kitts Pond Area) to complete environmental sampling in the area during March 9-10, 2013 (weather permitting).
The guide is needed for a period of two days and will require his/her own snowmobile(s) and will be compensated for their time, gasoline and rental of snowmobile(s).
In addition to this, the group will require to rent two other snowmobiles for two days to transport the group (either by the guide or through others).
If you are interested in providing the services of a guide or willing to rent your snowmobile please contact the Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office at 923-2221 to find out more information.
Posted 31 January 2013, 10:42 am NST
Local Researcher
A group of three researchers from Memorial University and the Labrador Institute is looking to hire a local person from Makkovik to assist them with environmental sampling at Makkovik Bay (Marks Bight/Kitts Pond Area), conduct research, and assist with interviews during the period March 9 to 15, 2013.
The researcher is needed for a period of 3 to 7 days. Knowledge of the land and having his/her own snowmobile would be an asset, not required, but will be compensated if provided. The position could lead to further employment during the fall of 2013 for a few months.
If you are interested in this position please submit your resume to Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office or call 923-2221 to find out more information.
A group of three researchers from Memorial University and the Labrador Institute is looking to hire a local person from Makkovik to assist them with environmental sampling at Makkovik Bay (Marks Bight/Kitts Pond Area), conduct research, and assist with interviews during the period March 9 to 15, 2013.
The researcher is needed for a period of 3 to 7 days. Knowledge of the land and having his/her own snowmobile would be an asset, not required, but will be compensated if provided. The position could lead to further employment during the fall of 2013 for a few months.
If you are interested in this position please submit your resume to Makkovik Inuit Community Government Office or call 923-2221 to find out more information.
Posted 10 January 2013, 4:43 pm NST
Sealed bid(s) are being accepted from beneficiaries interested in harvesting one (1) moose allocated under the Nunatsiavut Government 2012-2013 moose management plan.
Bids must include the slaughter, butchering, distribution and disposal of the meat to the community as determined by the Makkovik Inuit Community Government. In addition, the antlers (if any) to remain with the Makkovik Inuit Community Government. All tools, fuel, ammunitions, packaging and supplies associated with the above is to be covered under the bid.
Please submit your bids to the Council office by Wednesday, January 16, 2013 @ 5:00 pm.
Makkovik Inuit Community Government
Tel. (709) 923-2221
Bids must include the slaughter, butchering, distribution and disposal of the meat to the community as determined by the Makkovik Inuit Community Government. In addition, the antlers (if any) to remain with the Makkovik Inuit Community Government. All tools, fuel, ammunitions, packaging and supplies associated with the above is to be covered under the bid.
Please submit your bids to the Council office by Wednesday, January 16, 2013 @ 5:00 pm.
Makkovik Inuit Community Government
Tel. (709) 923-2221
Posted 25 November 2012, 6:22 pm NST

Young Irven Nochasak and Uncle Bertie Winters cut the ribbon at the official opening of the Makkovik Hall of Youth November 23, 2012
(larger version)
On Friday, November 23, 2012, the long anticipated grand opening of our Youth Centre was held at 1:00 pm with over 100 in attendance.
AngajukKak Herb Jacque officially welcomed everyone saying, "while the community government will legally own and maintain this building, it is important the youth in the community have a place they can call their own". He then presented Liam Dyson with a key to the building officially handing the building over to the youth of Makkovik.
Albert Winters,...
AngajukKak Herb Jacque officially welcomed everyone saying, "while the community government will legally own and maintain this building, it is important the youth in the community have a place they can call their own". He then presented Liam Dyson with a key to the building officially handing the building over to the youth of Makkovik.
Albert Winters,...

Posted 29 October 2012, 11:44 am NDT
The Local Research Coordinator position has been extended to Friday, November 02, 2012, 3:00 pm.
Posted 26 October 2012, 8:57 am NDT
Public Notice
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government received funding from the Nunatsiavut Govt, Dept of Health and Social Development to set up a Community Freezer Program. We are now in the process of setting up this program which will provide wild meat, berries, water fowl, fish etc to our Seniors and Low Income families. A deep freeze is located in the AngajukKak's office.
Right now, we asking for donations of perishable items for the Community Freezer such as wild meat, berries, water fowl, fish. Any kind of donation will be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the AngajukKak's office from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
The public will be notified in future as to when the Community Freezer will be officially open for distribution.
For further inquiries, please call 923-2455
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government received funding from the Nunatsiavut Govt, Dept of Health and Social Development to set up a Community Freezer Program. We are now in the process of setting up this program which will provide wild meat, berries, water fowl, fish etc to our Seniors and Low Income families. A deep freeze is located in the AngajukKak's office.
Right now, we asking for donations of perishable items for the Community Freezer such as wild meat, berries, water fowl, fish. Any kind of donation will be greatly appreciated and can be dropped off at the AngajukKak's office from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
The public will be notified in future as to when the Community Freezer will be officially open for distribution.
For further inquiries, please call 923-2455