709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 27 September 2013, 5:06 pm NDT
September 27, 2013


It has comes to town's attention, that spilled garbage has been left on the roads when residents are taking garbage to the dumpsite. For the safety of drivers and pedestrians as well as cleanliness of the town, Makkovik Inuit Community Government would like advise the public that if you are taking garbage to the dumpsite, insure that any garbage is picked up if it spills onto the roads and also garbage is placed inside the dumpsite fencing in the appropriate designated areas.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
Posted 27 September 2013, 10:10 am NDT



Sealed tenders are accepted the following items, AS IS WHERE IS, can be viewed between the hours of 8 a.m to 4:30 p.m. (must be accompanied by Council Worker).

Tenders will be received at the Town Office up to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 10, 2013

Bids must be placed in a sealed envelope labeled
"MICG Tender of Building Materials".

Please clearly specify the amount per item/lot you are...
Posted 26 September 2013, 2:25 pm NDT
Mayor's March for Heart Disease and Stroke
"Communities with Heart"
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government Councilors & staff along with family members shall be coming together for a walk to raise awareness and funds for Heart Disease and Stroke.
Pledges shall be collected and all proceeds shall go towards the NL Heart and Stroke Foundation of NL.

Date: October 09, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Meet by the Council Office and walk to Indian Head and back

Let's do our part to help eliminate heart disease and stroke!

Pledge sheets for this walk are available to residents at the Town Office. Please feel free to drop by during normal business hours from 8-4-30 pm Monday to Friday to pick one up.
Posted 25 September 2013, 11:54 am NDT
September 25, 2013

Makkovimiut Trust Incorporated

The 2013 Annual General Meeting for the Makkovimiut Trust Incorporated is
scheduled for
Wednesday, October 03, 2013 at 6:30 pm
In the Town Council Chambers.

Public is welcome to attend.
Posted 06 September 2013, 3:19 pm NDT
Job Posting for Local Research Coordinator in Makkovik
Position: Local Research Coordinator (LRC), for the CULTURE-CONNECT! / ILIKKUSET-LINGANNET! Program
Project Background:
The CULTURE-CONNECT! / ILIKKUSET-LINGANNET! program is a new initiative in Rigolet, Makkovik, and Postville. It provides the opportunity for youth to work with adult role models to learn cultural skills, such as hunting, trapping, sewing, art, music, and food preparation. There will be 5 youth participants and 5 adult...
Posted 04 September 2013, 10:48 am NDT
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government has received an application from Andrea Hoyt to operate a home-based business at 37 Andersen Street known as "Tulugak Consulting" which will provide environmental consulting services and related work. The business permit application will be reviewed at the next regular council meeting.

Council will be accepting any public comments in writing by email, letter or fax pertaining to this application up to Tuesday , September 17, 2013 at 4:00 pm.
Posted 30 August 2013, 9:56 am NDT
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government is seeking to hire a Youth Assistant position under the Inuit Pathways Work Experience Program(IPWEP). This position is open to both male and female applicants. The objective of the Work Experience Program is to hire unemployed individuals as an opportunity for these individuals to obtain valuable work experience in their desired occupations and/or exposure to the work environment to enhance career development.

● A beneficiary of...
Posted 20 June 2013, 9:49 am NDT
A group of researchers from Memorial University is looking to hire a local guide.

The guide is needed for a period of 2-3 days and will require his/her own speedboat. The guide will be compensated for their time, gasoline and rental of speedboat.

The responsibilities of the guide are to transport the researchers to and from Makkovik Bay and Kaipokok Bay to complete environmental sampling in the area during the week of August 5, 2013 (weather permitting). They also need assistance hiking to...
Posted 24 May 2013, 3:32 pm NDT
As the deadline nears for the tender to construct the Makkovik Arena the MICG has posted some photos of perspective views of the upcoming project which includes natural ice rink c/w chiller units, 4 change rooms, officials room, seating for 200 people, canteen, heated observers area c/w small kitchen, radio room, offices, washroom/shower facilities, storage, ice resurfacer room, and first aid room. The facility will become the focal point of the community events, activities and tournaments.

bird's eye view of makkovik arena

perspective views of the makkovik arena
Posted 17 May 2013, 10:08 am NDT
As per the Makkovimiut Trust By-laws, nominations for the Executive Committee are now being accepted for the 2013-2014 year.

Positions Available:

Directors-two positions

Nominations will be accepted up until Monday, June 10th, 2013 at 4:30 pm. Further nominations may be received at the Annual General Meeting to be held sometime during the month of June. The date of AGM will be announced at a later date.

Nomination forms are available at the MICG Town Office.
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