709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 22 January 2019, 5:12 pm NST
Job Opportunity

One person to assist groomer crew member with Trail Marking and Ice Checks between Makkovik and Burnt Lake and Makkovik to Mark's Bight's Neck.

Start time: To be determined

Rate of Pay: $ 14.32 plus 4% Vacation Pay

Hours of Work: Normal work days from 8:00 am
to 5:00 pm.

Duration of Work: Estimated at 2-4 days of work

Scope or work:

Erect trail markers, as per the standards set by Labrador Winter Trails along the trail routes between Makkovik and Burnt Lake and Makkovik...
Posted 21 January 2019, 12:15 pm NST
The Canadian Coast Guard will be hosting a public meeting in collaboration with Nunatsiavut Government to discuss maritime search and rescue and the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary on the Labrador Coast.

Date: January 29th, 2019
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Makkovik Arena Multi-purpose Room

All are welcome!

For more information, please contact:

Rodd Laing: rod.laing@nunatsiavut.com or
Krista Elvidge: krista.elvidge@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Posted 18 January 2019, 4:48 pm NST
January 19- February 2, 2019 Ice Surface Schedule (larger version)
See Photo for Schedule.

For Ice Rental Bookings Please call 923-2221.
Posted 18 January 2019, 1:55 pm NST
Indigenizing the University Community Consultations: Makkovik (larger version)
Memorial University is embarking on a plan to indigenize the university, and we are seeking input from you through community consultations. What would you like the university to know?

Please join us for open conversation. Share your voice:

Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Makkovik Arena Multipurpose Room
7:30 pm- 9:00 pm

Catharyn Andersen, Special Advisor on Aboriginal Affairs, MUN

Questions? 709-864-6260 or aaadvisor@mun.ca
Posted 16 January 2019, 1:47 pm NST
Want to see where the Makkovik Groomer is?? Click on link or copy and paste to your url:

Posted 15 January 2019, 4:48 pm NST
Available at the MICG Freezer Cod Fish with heads on & gutted. If you would like a cod fish please drop into the MICG Administration office.
Posted 11 January 2019, 2:08 pm NST
Newfoundland and Labrador Residential Schools Healing and Commemoration Project (larger version)
When: January 16, 2019 at 4:00 p.m.

Where: Makkovik Arena – Multipurpose Room

Who Can Attend: Former residential school students and their families, as well as all community members and the interested public

Supper will be served after a brief ceremony

This event will honour former residential school students, their families and communities with a commemorative plaque and ceremony. This is also an opportunity to learn more about the work completed on the Newfoundland and Labrador Residential Schools Healing and Commemoration Project over the past year.
Posted 10 January 2019, 11:14 am NST
Jordin Tootoo will be in Makkovik on January 25, 2019 sponsored by Nunatsiavut Group of Companies (larger version)
1 pm: A keynote presentation at J.C. Erhardt Memorial School Grades 7-12
3:30 pm: On the ice with Minor Hockey Groups (Tykes, Novice, Atom & Pee Wee) at Makkovik Arena

Please note after each session there will be time allowed for photos/autographs. For Autographs please bring your own items.
Posted 09 January 2019, 11:38 am NST
NWR Council has opened the trail with the groomer from NWR to Sabi Bight a distance of 23 Kms.
Posted 03 January 2019, 12:06 pm NST
Groomer Operator (Internal/External)
This is a seasonal position that reports directly to the Chief Administrative Officer of the Makkovik Inuit Community Government

The Groomer Operator must hold a driver's license with class 5 endorsement and experience in the operation and light maintenance of track vehicles and other equipment. Familiarity with the trail system and, in particular, the trail way between Makkovik and Mulligan is required. WHIMS certification (or a...
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