709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 22 September 2018, 6:55 pm NDT

As per the IL2010-04 Inuit Community Government Elections Act, nominations of Candidates for the Election of Councillors shall be accepted between the hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm from:


▪ Six(6) Councillor Seats( enrolled on the Voters A Roll) representing those residents who are "Inuit, Resident and their descendants".

▪ One(1) Councillor Seat (...
Posted 21 September 2018, 4:53 pm NDT
There are benefits of being 65 years and older.

1. You qualify for 10% discount off your yearly property tax
2. MICG will place you on the Seniors Assistance Program List

We don't want to miss you so please call and state your Birth Date into the MICG town office at 923-2221 to have your name put on our list.
Posted 18 September 2018, 9:26 am NDT
Chief Administrative Officer
Makkovik Inuit Community Government

Status and Reporting Protocol:
This is a full time permanent non-bargaining unit position which reports directly to the Inuit Community Government of Makkovik.

The purpose of this job description is to outline the duties, roles, and responsibilities of this position. It is not meant to be limiting or all inclusive. As with all employees, from time to time there may be a need to assist in carrying...
Posted 10 September 2018, 10:30 am NDT
Recreation Assistant- Temporary Position POSITION FILLED.

The Recreation Assistant is a temporary position for a 14 week duration commencing on September 17th, 2018 until December 20th, 2018. The main duties of the Recreation Assistant will be running the daily Recreation Programming with other Recreation Staff at the Makkovik Hall of Youth, Gymnasium and Arena which will include supervision of Adults and also children under the age of 18 years. The Recreation Assistant will also be required...
Posted 06 September 2018, 4:20 pm NDT
September 11th, 2018 is the General Election of AngajukKâk.

Don't forget to count yourself in!

Polling station opens from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm September 11, 2018 at the Town Council Chambers- MICG Town Office.
Posted 05 September 2018, 11:07 am NDT
Makkovik Inuit Community Government's main telephone line 923-2221
is having technical difficulties
until it is repaired
please call 923-2299 or 923-2455

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Posted September 5, 2018
Posted 27 August 2018, 2:30 pm NDT
Makkovik Inuit Community Government
advises the public that the
as of August 24, 2018.
Posted 27 August 2018, 2:29 pm NDT
Makkovik Inuit Community Government will

be CLOSED on Monday, September 3rd, 2018 in

observance of Labour Day.

Makkovik Inuit Community Government
August 27, 2018
Posted 23 August 2018, 5:53 pm NDT
Form IG-17
Notice of Grant Poll

Community of Makkovik

Notice is given to the voters of the above-mentioned Community, that a poll has been granted for the elections now pending for this community, and that the poll will open on the 11th day September , 2018 at 8:00 am and close at 8:00 pm at the following location:

Makkovik Inuit Community Government Town Council Chambers (Back Entrance) 16 Andersen Street

Notice is further given that the persons nominated as Candidates...
Posted 23 August 2018, 5:51 pm NDT
Notice of Advance Poll

Community of Makkovik

Notice is hereby given by order of the Returning Officer that an Advance Poll will be held for the AngajukKâk Elections at the following location:

Makkovik Inuit Community Government Town Council Chambers (Back Entrance) 16 Andersen Street

The poll will be held on the 30 day of August, 2018 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm from the purpose of receiving votes from voters entitled to vote at an advance...
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