709-923-2221  ·  info@makkovik.ca
Posted 03 February 2020, 10:59 am NST
CAO Position Filled!! (larger version)
The Makkovik Inuit Community Government is pleased to inform you that Kate Mitchell has accepted the position of Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and will be starting in this position on TODAY; Monday, February 3, 2020.

Kate brings a wealth of experience to this position. We welcome Kate to our team and wish her well.
Posted 27 January 2020, 1:21 pm NST

Makkovik Inuit Community was successful in receiving funding from the Makkovimiut Trust to hire TWO LABOURERS for eight(8 ) weeks for a Seniors(65+) and Physically & Mentally Challenged Assistance Program. This job opportunity(s) is open to anyone looking for work whether he or she is unemployed or currently on EI.

When reviewing Letter of Applications, MICG will be seeking individuals:

 Who are highly motivated, with good work ethic.
 Do not mind...
Posted 24 January 2020, 5:09 pm NST
AngajukKak Barry Andersen, Deputy AngajukKak Bernie Andersen and John Andersen (MICG Photo) (larger version)
Makkovik Inuit Community Government had a retirement function for John on January 24, 2020.

Deputy AngajukKak Bernie Andersen presented John with a 25 plus years Service Award in appreciation for his hard work and dedication from MICG Council and staff.

Best of luck in the new adventure as Ordinary Member for Makkvoik in the Nunatsiavut Government
Posted 22 January 2020, 12:00 pm NST
MICG would like to officially welcome aboard to the Recreation Dept Crew, Cory Pottle, as the new Director of Recreation and Community Events.
And Paul Andersen who has returned to his postition as the Recreation Youth Coordinator.

We wish you all the best!

Under the Work Experience Program( WEP), we have two employees:
- Damien Andersen- Arena Rec. Assistant- Assists with programming and labour duties at the Makkovik Arena
- Trisha Andersen- Rec Assistant- Assist with gym and youth center activities and many other Community Events.

Thank you goes out to Inuit Pathways (and staff) for making these positions possible.
Posted 22 January 2020, 11:31 am NST
John at his last Recreation Event (Ladies Hockey) in the Arena as Director of Recreation and Community Events January 21, 2020 (photo courtesy Gary Andersen) (larger version)
At the Arena last night, John Andersen dropped his last puck as our Director of Recreation and Community Events. " Johnny" as most people call him, has worked with the Town since October 31, 1992. His community spirit has shone through in whatever he took on for the Community of Makkovik!

He dedicated his time in assisting our children, youth and adults to try their best, no matter what activity he or she wanted to participate in. More importantly, he taught them to be proud of who they are,...
Posted 16 January 2020, 2:36 pm NST
Makkovik Inuit Community Government
(for Makkovik residents only)

Acting Chief Administrative Officer (Acting CAO)

The Makkovik Inuit Community Government (MICG) is seeking an effective and dynamic individual to support the Town's operations in the role of Acting CAO.

MICG is offering all possible support like training-coaching and tools that will permit the Acting CAO hired to get all the leadership and management competencies to eventually become...
Posted 13 January 2020, 5:23 pm NST
Here, when we talk about talents, it is not about singing or dancing in front of a crowd. Here talents are about the inner qualities and strengths that each person has differently from any other persons.
The problem is that that most people are unaware that they possess them, thus, they do not use them for their own good, neither for the good of their family and community.
MICG is presently looking for individuals who would like their talents (qualities-strengths) to be:
• discovered by...
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